Monday, June 7, 2010

Barbara's last career

Barbara and I met at a series of weekly meetings at the home of Betty Smith in Santa Rosa. She shared that she had been looking for work for quite some time with no success. Appreciating the integrity that she displayed, my husband, Tom, and I worked out a business deal with Barbara where we would train her in our insurance business for one year. She demonstrated all the necessary attributes of being a successful insurance agent and then some.

At the end of one year, she was off and running on her own. She took her work very seriously, and did an excellent job for her clients. In short order, she had so many referrals coming in that she didn't have to market.

Many times Barbara thanked us for giving her a new career. We are most grateful that her career continued to provide her with an income throughout her illness.

Barbara was an exceptional woman and an excellent communicator. We will always hold a warm feeling in our hearts for her.

Tom and Vivian McFarling

1 comment:

  1. I worked with Barbara for about 4 years at Boyle & Stoll, CPAs. We made an instant connection with easy laughter and a "real life" sense of spirit. I had lunch with Barbara a few months ago and didn't recognize her when she first walked through the restaurant door (it had been quite a while since we had last seen each other). But as soon as she donned that dazzling smile, it all came back to me. At that time, she was optomistic about the future and in such good spirits. I feel blessed to have reconnected with her when I did, and to get one more dose of this beautiful woman before she passed away. I will sorely miss your kindred spirit, Barb, but will remember you always.

