Monday, June 14, 2010


The right time to meet. I beleive Bab's came into my life for a reason. She showed me how truely wonderful it is having a speceal close friend in your life. A friend who is there for you any time of day or night, A friend who can put a big smile on your face in troubled times, a friend that shows you a different prospective leaning towards the positive, a friend who displayed continually the love of her children, Graham & Anna, and how ever grateful she was to have given birth to these two wonderful human beings. She is our teacher in oh, so many ways. Bab's strived to be the very best she could be, as a Mom, as a friend, Spiritual Practioner & her work ethics were
set very high. She went to great lengths to help clients find what worked for them in their health care needs and made many friends
doing so. An inspiration to us all. I can say she was/is a nourishing food in my life.
Hey Bab's, wanna go climb Half Dome? I'll meet you there some day.

And so it is............
Your best friend always,


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